Shipping & delivery policy

Payments for all orders and purchases on the IKEE platform are considered complete when made in full. Orders for which payments are yet to be completed shall not be processed.
In the event that multiple purchases are made in one order, IKEE shall apply the funds available on your payment source against the Ordered Items. If your funds do not cover all the items selected, the order will NOT be processed.
Our standard delivery timelines, come into effect immediately the order has been deemed confirmed. A mail shall be sent to you confirming your order, or providing additional information where necessary, if additional fees apply.

Delivery timelines for Orders on IKEE vary. Due to the nature of heavy machinery and grocery orders and variable factors outside our control, we cannot stipulate a specific delivery timeline.
However we do commit to ensuring that we do everything possible to meet the period stated.
We accept no liability for orders, which fail to get delivered within 1 working day within the city of Abuja.

Items may be re-bagged by IKEE and may not arrive in the original merchant boxes/ packaging.
Items can only be returned if they are either damaged upon delivery, or where the wrong item is delivered to you. If you receive the wrong item having ordered a specific item, we will replace it with the right item or provide you with a full refund.
Only items that are non-functional, or are the wrong item received can be returned.

If there is an error, please immediately hand over the incorrect or damaged item back to the IKEE representative.

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